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Horses in Morgan county

AAHC Community Initiative for Morgan county: We are a group of citizens who want to support the horse community in Morgan County. JOIN US!

Thank you to Morgan County Board of Commissioners for putting the Ag Center on the 2025 SPLOST, and thank you residents for voting YES to support! Now the Morgan County Ag Center will have funds for a (much needed) significant rehab and remodel!

We are currently compiling a list of horse owners in the county so that we can start organizing some social events!

How can you help?

  1. Add your name and contact information below.
  2. Send this URL to your horse-friends who also live in Morgan county.
  3. Attend the social events we organize! Find meetings on our calendar: AAHC CALENDAR

If you are truly passionate about community initiatives like this, please consider joining AAHC as a paying member. Membership starts as low as $9/month and support projects like this all over the greater Athens area. Join today by clicking HERE.