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Partner with AAHC

AAHC Mission

Athens Area Horse Community is dedicated to sustainably stimulating the growth of the local horse community. Maintaining and improving this website is a critical part of fulfilling that mission. We provide a valuable service to the local community – with lists of local merchants, a calendar of events, an interactive map of places to ride, articles, and a monthly newsletter tailored to serving the local community.

Our work doesn’t stop there! As we learn and grow, we are learning that AAHC’s role is to help local horse people solve the problems we face while helping the community seize opportunities. We are developing a youth education program and we are hard at work on a land conservation program. Look for our first project at Heritage Park.

For $150/month, your business can help us make a difference in the community.

Why Partner with AAHC?

Aligning your company or brand with Athens Area Horse Community associates you with a community organization that is bringing horse people together and providing a valuable and appreciated service to the local community. It is a creative way to advertise and support the community at the same time. The logos of our Corporate Partners will appear on most publications and will be proudly displayed on every page of this website.

Who would be a great partner for AAHC?

Companies or individuals who share our interest in the growth of the local horse community enduring here for generations to come.

While we are not a non-profit (the main division of AAHC is an LLC), a significant portion of our time is devoted to giving back to the community. The youth education program we have in the works will be a 501c3, and the land conservation program will likely branch off as a land conservancy program, as well. Your financial support allows us to spend more time working on these two programs, and gives us the stability to explore and invest in the interests and needs of the local horse community. Your partnership is key to sustaining and growing our organization. As a Corporate Partner, and member of the local community, this is an opportunity to tell the others in the community that your company values our work.

We want the relationship with our partners to be mutually beneficial. We can use our broad knowledge base and access to our members to help your business. If you have questions about the community, we can help. From market research to helping your employees find satisfying volunteer opportunities, we are highly knowledgeable about the local horse community. If we cannot answer your question, then we know the person who can.

Who qualifies to partner with AAHC?

Our ideal partners are also dedicated to sustainably stimulating the growth of the local horse community. They want to help us connect Athens Area horse people, provide valuable information that the community members can put to use, and give community members opportunities to grow and learn. They share our core values of collaboration, inclusion, making a difference, sustainability, and responsibility.

AAHC Partner = Preferred Vendor

AAHC Partners automatically become preferred vendors of AAHC. This could look different depending on the needs of your company, but an easy example would be a restaurant would have exclusive rights to provide concessions at our events. When members of the community ask for help in your field, we would direct them to you over others.

Partners have the option of having a vendor table at our events (some events may have a vendor table cost depending on the venue).

What do you get from joining AAHC as a Partner

– Your logo on publications and flyers.
– Your logo on the footer of every website page.
– “Partner Feature” article in one newsletter per term, posted and promoted online.
– Preferred Vendor status.
– At minimum one article/post on our website per contract term answering an Ask-A-Pro question, establishing you as an authority in your field.

What does AAHC get out of a Partnership?

Financial assistance that will help us direct staff time towards community building opportunities that may not have a monetary return. Examples include land conservation projects, the youth education program, taking risks on event ideas like the schooling opportunities and Local Trainer Showcase, and more.

Partnering with AAHC is really a marketing opportunity. And as marketing goes, the pricing is very reasonable.

All that being said, we are wiling to be flexible and consider new ideas and opportunities. If you have an idea for how we can partner or want to align with us – reach out! We are a community driven organization and we WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!